2015年8月14日 星期五

【筆記】13 Pretty Pictures Of Class Notes That Will Inspire You To Actually Study For Your Finals


13 Pretty Pictures Of Class Notes 

That Will Inspire You To Actually Study For Your Finals

Who knew note-taking was actually an art form?

When taking notes in class, you always start off trying to be all neat and organized and then crumble into a big jumbled mess half way through class — partly because your hand got tired and partly because you may have nodded off for 30 seconds and it all went down hill from there. But as hard as it is to believe, for some people, note-taking is an enjoyable art form. If you're in denial about this breed of student actually existing, just wait until you see the prettiest class notes we were able to dig up on Tumblr. After you check out these note-taking works of art out you won't be able to resist the urge to go and study for your finals. Seriously.

1. Can we talk about this girl's gorgeous handwriting and color-coding?!


2. This girl has mastered the art of ribbon titles. RIBBON TITLES!

Don't even get us started on her bubble graphs. Perfection.

3. Memorizing a million and one words def gets easier the prettier and more colorful they are!


4. These flawless notes make "Crisis Communication" look like the most interesting subject in existence. Tell us more!


5. We've never seen highlighters put to better use.


6. These might be written in a different language but the pretty STILL makes us want to know what they say!


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